Building Strong Upper-body Alone Through Sprinting


Attitude to be adopted for successful action. Matters such as timing, balance, ball control and soft touch are required in combination with intensive labor and physical contact. Basketball endurance can be characterized as an anaerobic sport with an aerobic base. During a basketball game, there are
many times when the play is dead as a whistle, claiming the ball and his decision by playing to the scorer's table. The players then have a break and standing or walking.

Even if the game is alive, there are moments of relative calm. Approximately 35% (= 14 min) live time there stood or walked. That means that 65% of the playing real work comes. This is reflected in, for example, the heart rates during a contest: 75% of the live time the heart rate is above 85% of the maximum heart rate. Almost 50% of the live time, the heart rate of the average player is between 90 and 95% of the HRmax. Achieving the maximum heart rate is not uncommon during a basketball game at a high level: 3.8% of the living playing the HF higher than 95% HR max.

There are no differences in heart rates was found between the 1st and 2nd half of the match. This indicates that well-trained basketball at a high level, the intensity and the actions carried out have not lead clearly fatigue. Genuine fatigue problems have little to see. This is because players can be changed freely. Touches a player tired, the coach may replace him or her and then put back in the field. Back to the basketball player in the field: There is 22% of the time living jogged or run. Together with the walking (15%) this is the aerobic labor.

The total share of the work which aerobic supplied is (much) less than, for example (field) football! In addition to the direct use of aerobic energy supplied during the game, the aerobic system is also necessary for the restoration of many anaerobic efforts. The high heart rates confirm that a significant part of the energy is released anaerobically. Over 15% of the live time activities take place at high intensity (sprinting, hard to defend, jump). The highest intensities are of short duration and claim the stocks ATP / CP, the phosphate pool. Shortly consecutive intensive actions or longer intensive periods will also appeal to the lactic acid system.

The measured lactate values ​​are at basketball games at 6.8 ± 2.8 mmol / l. The (in that study) highest measured value is 8.5 mmol / l. This indicates a significant activity of the lactic acid system and reasonable acidification. There are no differences in lactate values ​​between the halves / quarters. Flexibility for basketball is no special agility. There are no specific movements that require a very large range of motion. But of course, a basketball player may have no restrictions which hinder the move normally. Bundle Group Dynamics at (Youth) Topsport 3/5 Jaap Kooman

4 3. Specific movements jumping, sprinting, braking, changing direction and part of the defensive footwork are plyometric movements: an immediate succession of an eccentric contraction followed by a concentric contraction. Provided by the leg muscles when walking involved, turn, jump and move sideways (to defend). Also, most pass form with the ball are plyometrisch. The intensity (gears!) With which these movements are carried range from reasonably up to a maximum. By defending his knees and dropped his feet to move quickly with the hips in external rotation (knees to the sides) and shuffles the defender so that the attacker will be keeping the ball or basket.

 Shuffling is important. 31% of the living time, there is defended. Approximately 1/5 of all defensive actions is high intensity defense. This corresponds to 6.2% of the living playing time. Jumping is regularly jumped both in attack and in defense. Jumping is done in all possible ways, monopod (left and right), two-legged, off position, with one step run-out of the loop, repeated brief consecutive etc .. Opposten Near the basket trying attacker defender behind his / her back to hold, to remain in that spot and usually (used the other arm to hold off the defender position) with one outstretched hand to ask for the ball.

The defender wants to get the attacker to a disadvantage or are fighting for the attacker. This fight between defender and attacker for a favorable position involves a lot of pushing, hanging and lashing. On other positions there is regular contact between especially the upper bodies of attacker and defender. 4. Strength The above analysis leads to the following recommendations for functional strength training for basketball: If injury prevention is the goal, then one can start with a standard fitness program. In addition, regular exercise and regular use can be made (implementing) exercises. This type of training, however, has a limited load growth for basketball as a result.

For further specific increase in the capacity and strength training to improve performance basketball's regular fitness training on a regular exercise not enough. The exercises must in general terms to set up start / stop / accelerate / decelerate. This primarily involves Bundle Group Dynamics at (Youth) Topsport 4/5 Jaap Kooman

5 explosive strength in the quadriceps. In preparation are exercises on equipment such as leg presses and squats (Smith machine) possible. But explosiveness comes to better advantage in exercises with material: dumbells olympic barbell weight vest Examples of exercises with his loose material: dumbell stairs lunges squat for saving sprint form with weight vest Possible exercises for pushing and sjorkracht his arms and torso: On equipment: chest press , pec deck with loose material: side raise, dumbbell press exercises for push-leg strength: hack squat (opposten) knee raise exercises to improve jumping: preparation (explosive) rugstrekking: hyperextension.

 build up speed to eg for storing leg exercises: see above + calf raise jump forms with weight vest demands on fitness should be asked are: counseling with knowledge of strength training for sports (Fitness Trainer B-level) equipment: dumbbells, olympic barbell, weight vests. strength training equipment which can work at speed is a plus (eg. Hammer Strength / Jack sports equipment). 5. Literature 1. Huijbregts PA & Clarijs JP (1995). Strength in rehabilitation and sports (chapter 8). Utrecht Time Stream. 2. McInnes, SE et al. (1995).

The physiological load Imposed on basketball players during competition. Journal of Sports Sciences, 13, Stone, WJ & Steingard, PM (1993). Year-round conditioning for basketball. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 12 (2), Bundle Group Dynamics at (Youth) Topsport 5/5 Jaap Kooman Click Here To Download owtrol Probiotic CPA Design to enhancer designed to improve gastrointestinal function and intestinal good bacterial microbial balance. Lactospore increases enzymes for improving digestion and enhances the bioavailability of nutrients from the food.
