Things To Follow In Order To Stay Fit Any Time Any Where


food; About food is a lot to tell, there is one paragraph simply not good enough. The guidelines in the field of nutrition for building muscle mass are as follows:

Eat several small meals a day
Depending on your gender and the sleep duration you eat five to eight small meals a day to keep your metabolism high. That means you eat a meal around 2.5 hours to 3 hours. The size of these meal is about the energy divided by the number of meals per day. Take time for your meals. if necessary Take a cool boxje or cooler bag to get your food at work.

Eat up your energy
Turning muscle takes a lot of energy, which must be removed from power. So eat well and a lot. When your energy 3000kcal is you can sit safely on 3300kcal per day. Your total intake of calories per day, you can calculate easily and quickly with this excel sheet .
Eat 'clean' products
With clean, I mean food products that provide nutritional value. That means low-fat products, high protein, low in saturated fat and low (added) sugars. Fats as much as possible and unsaturated oils. Carbohydrates as much as possible with low glycemic index value.

Neglect the crucial meals not
The crucial meal of the day, especially for a bodybuilder, have breakfast and meals before and after training. The last meal before bedtime is important. The rest is used to recover the body of the training that day. That means that the relevant nutrients need. The last meal is primarily slowly digestible protein to repair the damaged muscle fibers during sleep. The breakfast indicates to catch the kickstart to the body of the day and the meals around the workout are to muscle repair directly.
Without enough rest, mainly physical rest, the body becomes overtraining. Do not underestimate this important factor. Sometimes less training are more effective than train. Consider the following: 

"The body converts muscle in rest, not during training." 

The training is sure to damage the muscle fibers. Nutrition is sure to repair the muscle fibers at rest slightly above their original size / strength. This process is called super compensation, and also defines growth. When your body is not getting enough rest is unable to compensate super effective and hamper your growth in your body. Progress continues and you will achieve your goal more slowly than was originally possible. 

Provided that the above three factors are in order, muscle mass gain only a matter of discipline and patience. Within a year, arriving 20 kilograms of muscle mass for a man on a natural basis is not uncommon. When the power supply is in order, I recommend supporting supplements to get the most benefit from your workouts. Click Here To Download one of the supplement to help you achieve this
