List Of Diet To Follow To Lose 30 Pounds In 6 Weeks Or Less


Losing weight is the result of a well-functioning body. If you read carefully what is written in this article, then you understand why:

Jaspers list is the best way to lose weight.
You are not too many carbohydrates should eat if you want to lose weight.
Strenuous exercise is not necessary to lose weight.
Your body stores as much fat.
Losing weight does not have to be as complicated as many self-proclaimed "diet gurus" make believe.
You can lose weight compared with driving a car. You need to be a mechanic to drive a car but it is useful to know what the car (how to change the oil for example). So it is to lose weight with. You need to know anything away from your body to lose weight, but some knowledge about the process can come in handy.

I recommend you read this article. If you are not interested in the workings of the body, but only want to lose weight fast, it is in this article , detailing what you have to do. Below deeper into why that is the right approach.

body fat
Body include an energy buffer for your body. The moment you get into more energy than you consume, you save as the body extra energy. If you need energy and there is no food in the area, you can burn body fat so as yet to generate energy.

Not all nutrients as easily stored as body fat. To understand how you can burn fat more easily (or not to save in the first place) it is important that you understand how your metabolism works. Metabolism is the process in your body that converts food into energy.

Metabolism and lose weight
All different types of metabolism take place in the cells of your body. These cells are, what I call, the energy centers of the body. In each cell is such a power plant. These power stations able to convert, inter alia, glucose, fructose, fat and ketones in energy (in the form of ATP).

Two 'types' metabolisms which we discuss in this article are: glucose metabolism and fat metabolism. The glucose metabolism using glucose as the base fuel in order to generate power, and uses the fat metabolism of fat as the base fuel in order to generate energy.

You stimulate your glucose metabolism when (some) carbohydrates you eat and stimulates fat metabolism when you eat fat.

Carbohydrates are divided into two groups: complex carbohydrates and sugars. Complex carbohydrates are eg cereals, potatoes and rice. These complex carbohydrates are your body include converted into glucose. Sugars are there in the form of, inter alia: sucrose, glucose and fructose. Fat is made up of fatty acids such as saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids.

glucose metabolism
The energy plants in all your cells consist of two chemical processes. The first process is the process of glycolysis (the anaerobic process), this process mainly converts glucose to pyruvate. The second process is the citric acid cycle (the aerobic process), this process converts pyruvate mainly in ATP.

These two processes are triggered consecutively. That means that the output of the first process is the input of the second process. And so therefore glucose from your bloodstream into energy.

Let's assume the following situation, the body need a lot of energy, the body is in an anabolic state as it is called.

During the Citric Acid Cycle Mote citrate is also produced as a byproduct. Citrate is a sort of feedback mechanism that indicates whether the body has sufficient energy. Citrate blocks the enzyme phosphofructokinase in the glycolysis process, if the body has sufficient energy.

If the body enough energy, the glucose can no longer be converted into pyruvate and therefore no longer be converted into energy. The glucose, which can not be processed (because the body has sufficient energy), is now accumulates within the cell. This is not desired, you cell responds by again removing all excess glucose to add out of the cell and back to the bloodstream.

Too much glucose in your bloodstream is dangerous. Now, this glucose molecules no longer can be included in the cells and also not all of which can remain in the bloodstream, they can be switched to each other and stored in the liver and muscles. These interlinked glucose molecules called glycogen. You can save only 70g glycogen in your liver and only 200gr glycogen in your muscles. So after 270gr glucose in the form of glycogen denotes 'full'.

At the moment of the glycogen storage places in the liver and muscles are full, there is a problem. For now, the glucose can not be converted into energy and it can not be saved in your liver or muscles. The only way that the body still has glucose (as three linked together glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecules) to store in your body. And your body fat is as we all know an infinitely large warehouse.

But that's not all ..

The conversion of glucose to triacylglycerol (the 3-linked to each other glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecules) goes on and with a limited speed. This creates a dangerously high concentration of glucose in your bloodstream. In response goes your bloodstream into your body produce more insulin. Your body does not know better than that insulin helps get the glucose out of the bloodstream and allow the cells.

As we have seen, the cells will have no more glucose because they have all the energy they need. Thus, the insulin receptors on the cells (which 'doors' through which glucose enters the cell) decrease. Except in one place, the insulin receptors on your body remain. is your body fat, in addition to a storage place for energy (in the form of triacylglycerol) is also a storage place for glucose, so that the body does not "smothered" in a too high concentration of glucose.

The body is now in the internal state of starvation. Imagine that the demand for energy at that time (because you are running, for example). There is not enough glucose in the bloodstream, which is all neat and tidy by insulin and moved to your body.

If there is no glucose in the bloodstream, is to pick the next possible energy from your body. However, the enzyme that makes this (Hormone-sensitive lipase, HSL) is sensitive to insulin. And insulin concentration in the blood is high, as we have seen above.

High concentration insulin blocks the ability to extract energy from your body
In summary: since you (much) too much glucose in was at a time when your body did not need it, it could do nothing but body most of the glucose tuck away in your body. Hiding of glucose in your body fat was associated with high levels of insulin in your bloodstream.

And now the demand for energy increases. The high insulin levels block HSL. There is a minimal amount of glucose present in the blood, and it is not possible for body fat to convert into energy.

So you're going to yell body energy and make you like a strong hunger. And often a specific appetite for sugar and carbohydrates (also called acute sugar draw) because your body knows that sugars can be converted quickly into glucose and therefore energy.

Then you notice this feeling hungry and will eat anything. You're craving something sweet and / or filling. Maybe you take an energy bar, a plate of pasta or a sandwich. The result is that you will get a huge amount of glucose in your bloodstream and from there the whole cycle begins again.

The cause of the huge appetite for carbohydrates (complex carbohydrates and sugars) is the fact that you ate carbs. And all the carbohydrates you eat and do not burn immediately, stored in body fat and can be very difficult again be used as energy.

This makes the carbohydrates in your diet not the primary factor for the amount of energy you have, but carbohydrates are the primary factor in the amount of body fat you have.

fat metabolism
The fats you ingest can through your diet either be used directly as fuel or stored in your body fat for later use. If the fat is used directly, the triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. The fatty acids are transported through the bloodstream to the cells which need energy.

In the cell, the fatty acids are converted into acetyl-CoA. Acetyl-CoA is an input for the citric acid cycle. And the citric acid cycle produces energy in the form of ATP, as previously explained in this article.

Please note that in this case there is therefore created no extra insulin. Your energy storage mechanism (body fat) is working as it should if you are fat as a primary fuel for your body.

Even if you eat a lot of fat when you do not need energy, your body can handle this just fine with it. The fats are stored for later use. At the moment that there is a need for energy is here, in contrast to the glucose metabolism, or first claim to the stock of energy in the body fat. So there will be no (or weaker) hunger.

In other words: the fat metabolism gives you the ability to burn body fat.

This knowledge of the different metabolisms are also supported viewed from an evolutionary perspective
You, me and all other people on this planet are the result of millions of years of evolution. Our body has always perfectly adapted to the situation in which we live.

However, in the last thousand years has changed in our diet a lot and very fast (to evolutionary standards). We have virtually no carbohydrates, lots of carbs to eat and we are very much healthy fats largely gone unhealthy fats.

The primary energy source has shifted from healthy fats to carbohydrates and the body has not yet adapted to this.

Think about it, hundreds of thousands of years ago the gay sapiens ate mostly vegetables, nuts, seeds, seeds, fish, meat and other animal and natural products.

After these products contain large amounts of vegetable healthy fats and low in carbohydrates. Note that fruit is not listed. Fruit was eaten only at that time if it grew on trees / plants and when it was ripe, and that was only a few weeks a year.

Carbohydrates as the primary fuel instead of fat, in my view, is the No. 1 cause of obesity and diseases such as diabetes, obesity and even some cancers. And I'm not the only one with that opinion.

Research at Johns Hopkins University in America confirms that large amounts of carbohydrates prevent weight loss.

Now we know why fat as a fuel is better than glucose as fuel is important that we know exactly which fats best to use as fuel and which are not. Because not all fats are equally healthy. Some fats are even very bad for your body.

Healthy and unhealthy fats
As previously described, fats consist of fatty acids. Or fat is healthy or not depends from which fatty acids it is built. If the fatty acids are healthy, fat is also healthy.

You have four types of fatty acids: saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids.

The subdivision of souring over these four groups based on their molecular structure. The amount of hydrogen atoms (H) relative to the amount of carbon atoms (C) and the amount (and type) double bonds between the carbon atoms are properties of the different groups.

Trans fats do not occur in nature and are therefore not suitable for our body. Trans fats interfere with, among other things, the structure of cell walls. Trans fats are a lot used in manufactured foods (such as cookies and chips).

Saturated fatty acids are located in, among other animal products (meat, fish, butter, egg, etc.), and tropical oils (such as coconut oil and palm oil). These saturated fatty acids are in the majority of cases a good source of energy. Animal products, it is very important what kind of food the animal has had during his life. The diet and exercise has had the animal, the fat composition erodes.

Of the two unsaturated groups is not to say whether they are healthy or unhealthy. Contain two unsaturated groups both good and bad fats.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are among others found in some fruits like olives and avocados, nuts, sunflower oil, milk, red meat and sesame oil.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids contain both good and less good fats. There are two special groups of polyunsaturated fats that I want to discuss briefly.

Omega3 vs. omega-6
Omega3 and omega-6 are both a polyunsaturated fatty acid. The 3 and 6 in omega3 and omega-6 stand for the location of the first double bond between two carbon atoms in the fatty acid molecule.

It is very important that your diet has a good relationship in the number of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Opinions are somewhat divided on this ratio. Above also applies here, of course, that every person is different, so this relationship is for each person something else. But overall, a ratio of 1: 2 a secure relationship.

In Western society, this ratio has been greatly disturbed. The ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 intake in Western society is at about 1:30. So do not worry too much about the omega-6, which you get anyway inside. Focus especially on the inside getting extra omega3.

So we carbs to good fats as a primary fuel. As known this for our daily diet?

What do you do every day to work properly your metabolism?

Daily diet to lose weight
There are three areas where you can improve your daily food intake so fast, healthy and enjoyable fall off. These points are:

Point 1: Eliminate sugar (sucrose, glucose and fructose) and bad fats.

Point 2: Replace "wrong" carbs (cereals, pasta, white rice and potatoes) by healthy fats.

Point 3: Make sure you get plenty of other essential nutrients.

More healthy fats
With all of the above into consideration, we can compile a list of healthy fats.

healthy fats

Cold water fish (especially herring, sardines, mackerel and wild salmon).
Grass-fed meat (cattle that life has grazed grass outside in the meadow).
Free-range chicken / egg (few antibiotics and omega3-rich foods).
Fish oil (warning: watch out for heavy metals).
Walnut / Walnut oil.
Flax / Linseed oil.
Sesame / Sesame Oil.
Butter (milk from grass-fed cattle).
Coconut oil (good for frying).
Extra virgin olive oil.
Krill oil.
Dark green vegetables.
Most of these fats are high in omega3 and lots of 'clean' energy.

It is you may not have noticed, but all of these are sources of fats from nature. No manufactured product's between. As a rule of thumb, you can assume that oils produced food are usually trans fats and high in omega-6 fats. This includes a lot of fast food, cookies, cakes, pizzas and fried food.

A few fats still excel by their absence:

Sunflower oil has a high omega-6 content.
Corn oil also high omega-6 content.
Margarine has long polyunsaturated fatty acids which increase the risk of cancer and heart disease.
Less complex carbohydrates
Cereals and potatoes are examples of complex carbohydrates. This type of carbohydrates you can eliminate most of the daily diet. Vegetables also contain some complex carbohydrates. Vegetable is a "good" source of complex carbohydrates (especially fiber). If your daily eating enough vegetables (400 grams), you get enough carbohydrates in and you do not need other foods in the number of carbohydrates in your food.

The moment your body is accustomed to fat as a primary fuel you probably never more than 100 to 150 grams of carbohydrates per day. The amount you get in through the vegetables that you eat.

It depends on the person how many carbs you need. But if you want to lose weight, I suggest you to eat, between 50 and 100 grams per day. If you do intensive exercise (such as running), I recommend you extra to eat 100 grams of carbohydrates for every hour that you intense sport. You do the best that carbs 1.5 hours before you take in performing the physical activity.

The amount of fat you can eat depends on your body and your environment. You can (as almost always) best listen to your own body. If you have you need to eat more hunger when you feel full you must eat less. As long as you are not extreme eating healthy fats can not hurt.

Other essential nutrients
Weight loss is the result of a well-functioning body. That's why I call three other essential nutrients below.

Protein: in addition to fat and some carbohydrates (from vegetables), it is very important that you get enough protein. If you eat a lot of the aforementioned good fats, you'll soon with the right amount of protein. Grass fed meat, cold water fish, omega-3 eggs, and nuts are excellent sources of protein.

Vitamins and minerals by eating a lot of natural foods, get enough vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to get these essential substances from vegetables from the supermarket. The amount of vitamins and minerals in vegetables is very much reduced in recent years. I advise everyone to swallow vitamins and minerals as a dietary supplement.

Water: Your body is more than half of water. Water cleanses your body and removes waste. Drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water per day (in the case of extreme movement / exercise require more water).

now lose weight
Losing weight is a decision. If you want to lose weight then it can, it can be easy and enjoyable. You should only have to adjust your diet.

To make this as easy as possible for you I made Jasper's shopping list. This list includes all the products you can eat if you want to lose weight quickly and easily. The products enhance fat metabolism and minimize carbohydrate metabolism.

You can download the shopping list by entering your name and email address 
